Monday, July 11, 2011

Message from Mgr John Swann

Mgr John Swann, retired parish priest of Tranmere parish, emailed me the following information.
“You may already be aware of this….if not please take note.
Peter was interviewed last night ABC John Cleary, together with Fr Hal Ranger.
Please consider signing. Just click on the web link.”

This ABC program can be heard online here:

Below is the email Mgr John Swann has forwarded:

From: Peter Johnstone []
Sent: Sunday, 10 July 2011 12:59 PM
To: 'Peter Johnstone'
Subject: Letter to Pope and Bishops now launched

Dear All

Every Parish in Australia will receive a message from Catholics for Renewal by post Monday or Tuesday, providing some background notes and asking that parishioners be given the opportunity to consider signing the open letter (copies enclosed). We are asking people to sign hard copies or the through the web link:

Please encourage your friends and contacts to sign and share, especially if they are on Facebook. We particularly need to hear from the younger members of the Church.

See Comments


  1. Peter Johnstone provided the following reply when I asked who was behind the 'Catholics for Renewal' group.

    ‘Catholics for Renewal’ is a community group of Catholics who have consulted widely in preparing the Open Letter to the Pope and the Australian bishops about concerns that are shared by many Catholics. This is a small group initially based in Melbourne but now enjoying much wider contacts, and supported by a much larger group of concerned Catholics throughout Australia. Members of the initial group include amongst others Frank Burke, Emmy Silvius, Peter Wilkinson, Maria McGarvie and Fr Bruce Duncan CSsR. We are working with the support also of members of other groups of Catholics who have been seeking renewal of the Church. The Open Letter and the matters addressed in the letter are at present our sole focus.

    You asked about a website for Catholics for Renewal. We don't have the resources to invest in our own website at this stage but may consider at a later date subject to developments.

    We have been pleasantly surprised by the number of Catholics, some 'inactive' who have been encouraged by the Open Letter and wanted to support it. We are very aware that our success may depend on the extent of support seen to be generated by the Open Letter and to that end we appreciate particularly the efforts of individuals who not only sign the letter but bring it to the atttention of other Catholics. If you are on Facebook, a comment there could be very effective. It would be particularly valuable if many younger people signed the petition. You might like to ask your friends, particularly younger people, to lodge a comment such as:
    “I’ve just signed this Open Letter to the Pope and the Australian Bishops
    If you agree the Church needs to change, sign it and then SHARE with your friends. These are things that need to be said.”

    Best wishes

    Peter Johnstone
    Catholics for Renewal
    Phone: +61 (0) 419 307566

    "Christ's faithful have the right, indeed at times the duty, in keeping with their knowledge, competence and position, to manifest to the sacred pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the church." (Canon 212, par 2)
    “. . . let there be unity in what is necessary, freedom in what is doubtful, and charity in everything.” (Gaudium et Spes 92)

  2. An article about the Petition at Eureka Street.
