Monday, July 11, 2011

Message from Mgr John Swann

Mgr John Swann, retired parish priest of Tranmere parish, emailed me the following information.
“You may already be aware of this….if not please take note.
Peter was interviewed last night ABC John Cleary, together with Fr Hal Ranger.
Please consider signing. Just click on the web link.”

This ABC program can be heard online here:

Below is the email Mgr John Swann has forwarded:

From: Peter Johnstone []
Sent: Sunday, 10 July 2011 12:59 PM
To: 'Peter Johnstone'
Subject: Letter to Pope and Bishops now launched

Dear All

Every Parish in Australia will receive a message from Catholics for Renewal by post Monday or Tuesday, providing some background notes and asking that parishioners be given the opportunity to consider signing the open letter (copies enclosed). We are asking people to sign hard copies or the through the web link:

Please encourage your friends and contacts to sign and share, especially if they are on Facebook. We particularly need to hear from the younger members of the Church.

See Comments

Friday, July 1, 2011


NAIDOC Week begins on Sunday July 3 which celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council produces resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Sunday which are useful for anyone seeking to experience the language and rituals of Indigenous Culture in a Christian context.
You can celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday in Brisbane at the following prayer gatherings:
Annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mass
NAIDOC Mass, 11am, St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral
It helps us to read again the 2003 Social Justice Statement "A Generous Heart in the Love of Christ Challenging Racism in Australia Today".

The Poster is titled:
Road to Change
A First Australian family link hands as they step out on the road to change – proud of who they are, encouraged by what has already been achieved and united in their goal to be changemakers for a bright new future.