Sunday, November 13, 2011



We aim to raise awareness and funds to support better health care and education in South Sudan.
Funds raised will be used to build new water wells and to provide water pumps in villages to reduce disease such as malaria and to provide children with much needed school supplies.

WHEN:          Saturday November 19
WHERE:        1 Birkinshaw Ave, Tranmere
TIME:            6:00pm onwards
COST:           $15.00 per single ticket; $20.00 per family ticket
This event will feature Awiel women and youth
Silent auction & prizes to be won
For tickets and more information please contact 0431 026 851
Check out the website here

Sunday, November 6, 2011


PALMS Australia is celebrating 50 years of fruitful work in Poverty Reduction

PALMS is a wonderful organisation that recruits, prepares, sends and supports skilled volunteers to reduce global poverty, at the request of partner communities in Asia, Africa and the Pacific.

The website has a wealth of information about the volunteers and the work they are doing.
10 Great Reasons For Supporting PALMS

The 8 Millenium Development Goals to help 'Make Poverty History'

Monday, September 5, 2011

Following Jesus - Matthew

TUESDAY September 6 Online live Conference 
from 10:00am onwards.
The popular eConferences are a fantastic opportunity for faith formation and also provide an ideal opportunity for interaction with local faith communities. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where The Hell Is God

Rev Dr Richard Leonard SJ wrote this book as a result of the experiences and attitudes that he has met following the accident that resulted in his sister becoming a quadriplegic at age 28.
The link takes you to his own summary of the story of this book.
Where The Hell Is God

Monday, July 11, 2011

Message from Mgr John Swann

Mgr John Swann, retired parish priest of Tranmere parish, emailed me the following information.
“You may already be aware of this….if not please take note.
Peter was interviewed last night ABC John Cleary, together with Fr Hal Ranger.
Please consider signing. Just click on the web link.”

This ABC program can be heard online here:

Below is the email Mgr John Swann has forwarded:

From: Peter Johnstone []
Sent: Sunday, 10 July 2011 12:59 PM
To: 'Peter Johnstone'
Subject: Letter to Pope and Bishops now launched

Dear All

Every Parish in Australia will receive a message from Catholics for Renewal by post Monday or Tuesday, providing some background notes and asking that parishioners be given the opportunity to consider signing the open letter (copies enclosed). We are asking people to sign hard copies or the through the web link:

Please encourage your friends and contacts to sign and share, especially if they are on Facebook. We particularly need to hear from the younger members of the Church.

See Comments

Friday, July 1, 2011


NAIDOC Week begins on Sunday July 3 which celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council produces resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Sunday which are useful for anyone seeking to experience the language and rituals of Indigenous Culture in a Christian context.
You can celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday in Brisbane at the following prayer gatherings:
Annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mass
NAIDOC Mass, 11am, St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral
It helps us to read again the 2003 Social Justice Statement "A Generous Heart in the Love of Christ Challenging Racism in Australia Today".

The Poster is titled:
Road to Change
A First Australian family link hands as they step out on the road to change – proud of who they are, encouraged by what has already been achieved and united in their goal to be changemakers for a bright new future.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


A National eConference was held to discuss the theme:- Holy Spirit – Giver of Life

Some of the best scholars and evangelists in Australia opened up some of the mystery that is the Holy Spirit.

Two keynote speakers, Fr Denis Edwards and Sr Janette Gray rsm, explored the Holy Spirit.
They were joined by Fr Chris Ryan MGL and Mrs Jan Heath, who showed how the Holy Spirit is alive and active in our lives today.

It is a valuable source of good quality adult faith formation and can be viewed online.
The program is archived at