Thursday, October 7, 2010


"I ask the community to continue to love and care for those who are sick and suffering rather than abandoning
them to euthanasia or supporting them to suicide. Our ability to care says much about the strength of our society."

Archbishop Denis Hart
Read his full statement here

"In the interests of protecting the vulnerable members of our society, we must not legalise assisted suicide. We should instead deal with our deep seated fear of the dying process — this is where our real struggle for freedom lies rather than in the freedom to choose to demand that someone else end my life."

John Kleinsman
Director The Nathaniel Centre, the New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre.
Read his full statement here

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has re-issued a submission it lodged with a Senate inquiry into the Rights of the Terminally Ill.
The bishops said good palliative care that recognised the value and dignity of every human life is needed – not legislation to sweep the plight of the terminally ill under the carpet of society’s responsibilities.
We need to be “a society where all can be assured that they can be accepted as people whose lives are worthwhile and where that belief is backed up by health care and palliative care."
Read the Submission here
"It is a sadness that the first moves around our nation under our new political arrangement seem to be a promotion of death and abuse of marriage."
Gregory O'Kelly
Bishop of the Diocese of Port Pirie.

Read his full statement here

Hung parliament no place to be ham-fisted on euthanasia.
Fr Frank Brennan
Read his full statement here

Prime Minister Julia Gillard said she is "conflicted" on the issue of euthanasia, finding it "almost impossible" to conceive how there could be appropriate safeguards.

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