Monday, January 18, 2010

Remembering Rev. Edward Schillebeeckx

Edward Schillebeeckx died on Dec. 23 in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He was 95.
Those of us who remember the Second Vatican Council will know him as a prominent member of a wave of Catholic theologians who helped reshape Catholicism during the Second Vatican Council.
Later he was questioned about his views by the Vatican.

He was the first Catholic scholar to take seriously all the historical research on Jesus that had been done in the 19th and 20th centuries and present it in an intelligible way.

He was a member of the Dominican order that in 2007 published a booklet for Dutch parishes.
The booklet stated that, with the scarcity of priests today, Catholic parishes should begin selecting members who would preside over the Eucharist, as was the approved method in the early church.
This view was based on some of Schillebeeckx's writings.
The following links provide more information about his life.

New York Times
National Catholic Reporter

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