Saturday, October 5, 2024

Desiring to be God rather than to serve God,

Just a few thoughts

·       “Innovation does not entail having new ideas, but rather getting rid of old beliefs.” -- Bertrand Piccard

·       "Getting old is like climbing a mountain; you get a little out of breath, but the view is much better!" -- Ingrid Bergman

·       We pray for a right spirit of prayer in which we place our trust in God, and not see it as a way to selfishly and childishly bargain with God.


ü Words that build up rather than pull down

ü The light will overcome the darkness.

ü The Great Sign – Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Half time in the main game

Ø We are all tired of war, so why don't we just stop it?

Musical Reflection

¯  Love Divine All Loves Excelling

¯  They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love

Friday, October 4, 2024

Make me An Instrument Of Your Peace

Just a few thoughts

·       The only thing ever achieved in life without effort is failure – St Francis of Assissi

·       May the holiness and humility of St Francis inspire the participants of the Synod at the Vatican, so that putting aside any hint of politics, they will work for the good of the Church and the world.

·       “You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot ― it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.” -- Maya Angelou


ü There is never any room for complacency in our Christian life.

ü God is constantly reaching out to us

ü A Human Calling – Reflection for next Sunday

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Church needs new ways for bishops to be ‘synodal’

Ø Synod meditation - ‘Resurrection: Searching in the dark’

Musical Reflection

¯  Canticle of the Sun

¯  Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

¯  Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Jesus sent seventy-two disciples out in pairs

Just a few thoughts

·       "In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” -- Thomas Jefferson

·       Let us prayerfully support the participants of the Synod at the Vatican as they begin their reflections and sharing in language circles today

·       We pray for the nation of Australia, that the whole community will set differences aside and work together to address the growing challenge of inter-generational inequality.


ü The Kingdom—the rule of God—is intended to be both a present reality as well as a future hope

ü We are sent as witnesses

ü The need we have for God’s gifts along with our own human resources – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Only by healing sick relationships can we become a synodal Church: Pope Francis

Ø Our Unfinished Symphony

Musical Reflection

¯  Our God is Here

¯  They'll Know We Are Christians

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Just a few thoughts

·       What a refreshingly inspirational celebration of the Mass on Sunday. Thank you Fr Michael.

·       "Sometimes you just have to look back at your past and smile about how far you've come." – Anon

·       May all who feel lost in their faith, struggle to believe, or feel that the demands of the Gospel are too difficult, be empowered by the Holy Spirit who brings comfort, wisdom and understanding

·       We pray for peace-makers around the world, that this week’s World Day of Non-Violence will amplify their call for an end to violence in every heart, home and land


ü “God’s thoughts”

ü Wise and prophetic spirit poured out upon all creation – Sunday reflection

ü Humility is the essence of truth

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Synod members urged to allow the Holy Spirit to speak

Ø Pope Francis condemns 'immoral' use of force in military retaliation

Musical Reflection

¯  A Rightful Place

¯  Rightful Place

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Even the smallest acts of kindness and love can lead to holiness

Just a few thoughts

·       May the Retreat for the participants of the Synod at the Vatican enable the Holy Spirit to prepare their hearts to walk together in a spirit of openness with a willingness to learn from each other.

·       May those who have become disillusioned in the Church rediscover the simplicity of Christ’s message as lived by St Therese by living each day with simple acts of love and kindness.

·       "The beauty of empowering others is that your own power is not diminished in the process.” -- Andrew Carnegie


ü The Samaritans.

ü True faith binds us in human solidarity and propels us to a better future – Sunday reflection

ü Walking a path of love in small and most ordinary ways

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Church must beg forgiveness for decades of child abuse: Pope Francis

Ø Synod assembly gets underway in Rome

Musical Reflection

¯  If You Love Me

¯  If Ye Love Me