Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wakou Aid Film Afternoon

The Smurf 2 Report

Thank you to the 140 or so supporters who came to the movie on Sunday September 15. It was an enjoyable  community gathering.
Thank you also to the hundreds of people who bought raffle tickets at St Joseph’s School and the parish and many other places.

Thank you to the the generous donors of raffle prizes. There were many winners, although most of them were not at the movie:- 

Cynthia Thompson,
Nell ??,
Charity Eames,
Jasmine Egan,
Geana Rinauro,
Merridy Galton,
Siena Lata,
Marie Syrette.

Thank you to the members of the Wakou Aid committee who so enthusiastically ensured that this was guaranteed to be a successful event.
Andrew, Anne, Jess, Josie, etc.

Andrew’s thank you at the movie included the following:-
Every $ you have donated will change a life in South Sudan!
This is how good communities help each other.

The money raised for the building of the well in South Sudan amounted to $3,000
We ‘re over halfway there!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Wakou Aid Quiz Night

We thank Daryll Telfer for the tremendous support that we received to make this event a success!
His Church of Christ parishioners and friends made this a fun night to raise funds for the people of South Sudan. 
Andrew De Yel was deeply appreciative of the support he received to make this event possible.
Unfortunately we have no photos for you, but we can tell you that we are extremely appreciative and thankful for the contribution of $974.16
We are so proud that we can give such a generous donation to help the villagers of Nyinameth during this challenging time of rebuilding after so many years of war.
Thank you sincerely Daryll and please pass on our gratitude to all your parishioners and friends at Flinders Park Church of Christ, who helped to make it such a wonderful event.