Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dear God

Michael Leunig always intrigues me with his cartoons and his writing.
I would like to share this prayer with you.

Dear God,
We struggle, we grow weary, we grow tired. We are exhausted, we are distressed, we despair. We give up, we fall down, we let go. We cry. We are empty, we grow calm, we are ready. We wait quietly.

A small shy truth arrives. Arrives from without and within. Arrives and is born. Simple, steady, clear. Like a mirror, like a bell, like a flame. Like rain in summer. A precious truth arrives and is born within us. Within our emptiness.
We accept it, we observe it, we absorb it. We surrender to our bare truth. We are nourished, we are changed…we are blessed. We rise up.
For this we give thanks.


And as we are in autumn here is another one........


We give thanks for the harvest of the heart’s work;
Seeds of faith planted with faith;
Love nurtured by love;
Courage strengthened by courage.
We give thanks for the fruits of the struggling soul,
The bitter and the sweet;
For that which has grown in adversity
And for that which has flourished in warmth and grace;
For the radiance of the spirit in autumn
And for that which must now fade and die.
We are blessed and give thanks.


Jesuit Lenten Series (5)

If God loves us, why does he allow us to suffer - Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ


Saying God sends disasters to punish us is not only a sub-divine understanding of God, but a sub-human one, says Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ in the final of our Jesuit Lenten Podcast Series. Speaking with Michael McVeigh, Fr Hamilton explores the question, ‘If God loves us, why does he allow us to suffer?'

Click here to listen to the full interview
(Duration 11:40 To save this audio file to your computer Right Click and "Save Target As...)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sr Sue McGovern

People all over Kinglake had heard about the South Australian nun who turned up to help around their ravaged town the week after Black Saturday. They just never expected what they found when they finally met her.
Read the full article here.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Jesuit Lenten Series 4

'That could easily have been us' - Robert Martini
The Victorian bushfires have brought Australians together in prayer and solidarity. In the fourth Jesuit Lenten Podcast Series, Michael McVeigh interviews Robert Martini, a farmer from Kinglake and member of the parish council from St Mary's. One of the lucky survivors of the bushfires, Robert talks about the impact of the fires on his community and their determination to rebuild their homes and church.

More information about the church here.
Click here to listen to the full interview
(Duration 11:40 To save this audio file to your computer Right Click and "Save Target As...)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mary MacKillop Statue Unveiled

More than 400 people including 100 Josephite nuns, the Governor Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce, Church and civic leaders witnessed the unveiling of the statue next to the cathedral at Victoria Square by four of the most senior Josephite Sisters in South Australia.
This year is the centenary of the death of Mary MacKillop

The full story and photos can be read in the Southern Cross paper available in the church. LINK

Find out more about the artist Judith Rolevink

Dr Mary Glowrey

Dr Mary Glowrey (1887-1957)
- a brilliant doctor,
- a visionary leader,
- a person of great holiness,
- a source of life for countless thousands.

Her story is featured on the St Columban's website

Jesuit Lenten Series 3

This year's Jesuit Lenten Podcast Series looks at Reversals: Finding God in times of crisis and change. This is the third podcast of the series.
One of the most difficult things any family can experience is when someone takes their own life. In the third of our Jesuit Lenten Podcast Series, Michael McVeigh interviews Louise Flynn, from the Jesuit Social Services Support After Suicide Program, about what happens in families and communities affected by suicide and how relationships and lives can be rebuilt.

When someone takes their own life - Louise Flynn
Click here to listen to the full interview
(Duration 9:40 To save this audio file to your computer Right Click and "Save Target As...)