Thursday, February 26, 2009

Project Compassion

"We are most truly Australian, most truly Christian, and most truly Catholic when we reach out across borders of nation states and churches, giving of ourselves," Jesuit Fr Frank Brennan told the 2009 Project Compassion appeal launch.

Read Frank Brennan’s appeal launch address .....

Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s major annual fundraising and education campaign. It starts the week of Feb 23 and runs during the six weeks of Lent.
It is a time to reflect upon and engage with significant issues of peace, justice and development.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

News from the Mary MacKillop Centre

The first edition of 2009 of the Gazette is available here.
It includes many dates for diaries!

Why Do Bad Things Happen?

At this time of fires and flood and other tragic events the question is often asked.
Somebody has to be blamed.
Fr Chris Middleton SJ, principal of St Aloysius' College, Milsons Point, has written a reflection.
Read it here.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bushfire Appeal

You will have the opportunity to donate to the St Vincent De Paul Bushfire Appeal this weekend at the parish church.
Please be generous.
To make a donation online follow this LINK