Friday, October 18, 2024


Just a few thoughts

·       "Humour is unavoidable. It might not feel funny in the moment, but more often than not there's a light at the end of the tunnel." -- Ron Howard

·       May the writings of St Luke continue to nourish the hearts of Christ’s faithful, for they are God’s word to us.

·       We pray for the powerless caught in the cross-fire of brutal warfare in so many lands, that their unfathomable misery will be brought to an end and hope be reborn


ü Let us make the message of Luke’s Gospel and Acts part of us

ü The Gospel - seed that we are meant to give away.

ü By His Wounds - next Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Recognise and celebrate carers across Australia

Ø How age challenges church, society

Musical Reflection

¯  We are one body in Christ

¯  We Are One Body

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Strong Resolve

Just a few thoughts

·       Whether or not we realise it each of us has within the ability to set some kind of example for people.  Knowing this, would you rather be the one known for being the one who encouraged others, or the one who inadvertently discouraged those around you?" -- Josh Hinds

·       May those who are involved in many community organizations of service to others, will see such voluntary works as an expression of their faith, and be carried out with kindness and respect for others.

·       We pray for the wealthy nations of the world, that today’s International Day for the Eradication of Poverty will call them to share their bounty with those who lack the bare necessities of life


ü What does ‘Christianity’ mean to me?

ü And what of today’s prophets?

ü Morality, happiness and setting our hearts on God – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Referendum defeat hasn’t stopped journey toward reconciliation

Ø Synod - The Spirit is Moving

Musical Reflection

¯  The Church of Christ In Every Age

¯  Set Your Heart On The Higher Gifts

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A heart focused on service, not on seeking accolades

Just a few thoughts

·       "Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow." -- Swedish Proverb

·       That we may never be hypocrites in our faith by saying one thing and then doing the opposite.

·       We pray for the well-fed of the world, that today’s World Food Day will remind them that no-one on earth should go to bed hungry or thirsty.


ü The Church itself over the centuries has not been above criticism in this area either.

ü Why do you do what you do?

ü Thedangerous nature of prayer – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Synod: Radcliffe reflection

Ø Betting the nation: How Australia became the world's biggest loser

Musical Reflection

¯  O God Beyond All Praising

¯  The Lord Is Kind and Merciful

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Where do our hearts truly lie?

Just a few thoughts

·        "The rung of the ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold our foot long enough to enable us to put the other somewhat higher." -- Thomas Henry Huxley

·        May the women religious and women lay faithful participating in the Synod in Rome find in St Teresa of Avila a model of how to love the Church and to contribute with their wisdom and prayer

·        We pray for children, teachers and families in this final term of the school year, that all will grow in wisdom and the love of learning


ü It is so easy to judge people…………

ü Where do our hearts truly lie

ü Beyond self-centred ambition to radical and vulnerable discipleship – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Cultivating a culture of peace

Ø Hutt St Centre sees record demand

Musical Reflection

¯ St Teresa's Prayer

¯ Take Up Your Cross

Monday, October 14, 2024

Carrying out the Word of Jesus

Just a few thoughts

·        "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." -- Mark Twain

·        May we not go running after new signs which contain the danger of superstition, but rather centre their lives on the person and love of Jesus.

·        We pray for Christian churches near and far, that they will all be lively communities of wisdom, freedom of spirit, and generosity of heart.


ü Sunday Homily – Frank Brennan

ü What counts is that we hear, understand, accept and assimilate the word of Jesus and carry it out at every moment of our lives.

ü Jesus-a part of my being

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Synod an opportunity ‘to overcome walls’ between Christians

Ø Living the Beatitudes

Musical Reflection

¯ Serenity (O Magnum Mysterium)

¯ The Lord Is Kind and Merciful

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Everything is possible for God

Just a few thoughts

·        "When one worldview dominates your thinking, you'll try to explain every problem you face through that worldview. Read widely and realize there are many answers." -- James Clear

·        Whatever material possessions or money which we have, may we never allow them to control us, but rather use them for the good of others, especially the poor and disadvantaged

·        We pray that the Synod on Synodality will be infused with the spirit of Francis of Assisi and his love of nature and the poor.


ü Australian Women Preach

ü Inheriting Eternal Life

ü Wisdom is far greater than wealth

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Yom Kippur

Ø Jesus' Way of Wisdom

Musical Reflection

¯ Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer

¯ Just A Closer Walk

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Hear the word of God and act on it

Just a few thoughts

·        "Old age, believe me, is a good and pleasant thing. It is true you are gently shouldered off the stage, but then you are given such a comfortable front stall as spectator." – Confucius

·        May the women, religious and lay faithful, contribute confidently  and wisely to the Synod and receive respect from everyone

·        We pray for all nations to abolish the death penalty, that those guilty of serious crime may have the opportunity to repent and the innocent be saved from unjust execution


ü Greatness in God’s eyes lies not in gifts and privileges that have been granted, but in the response that is given to God.

ü Tune In

ü Everlasting Life – Reflection for this Sunday

The Signs Of The Times

Ø All Catholics must play bigger role in spreading the Gospel

Ø Empty promises, empty mouths

Musical Reflection

¯ Come as you are

¯ I Believe